Jochy Lantigua


This is the wiki article page for Jose Lantigua and his family Germania, Stephanie and Arlette.

Jochy Lantigua Germania Lantigua Stephanie Lantigua Arlette Lantigua
Born In San Francisco Born in Santo Domingo Born in Santo Domingo Born in Santo Domingo
System Engineering System Engineering High School Middle School
Software Manager Home Maker Full Time Student Full Time Student

I was born in San Francisco de Macoris in the beautiful Dominican Republic in 1965. At age 7 my family decided to move to the capital city of Santo Domingo.

Went to school at "Colegio San Gabriel" about 2 miles from home. Graduate in 1982 and inmediately joined the "Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo" UASD, the oldest university in the new world. Started Civil Engineering and was there for 7 semesters but then decided to stop the university for a while.

Meanwhile I was very into computers at my present job at "Caribbean Data Services" and that started making me more related to the computer industry and data processing business than the current career at the UASD. Back to school at Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Intec for a while and then transferred to Universidad APEC where I continued with System Engineering.

While working at Caribbean Data Services I met Germania. We basically started working at the same company at the same time. After a couple of months I was very in love with her and she was too. After 2 years of dating we decided to marry in May, 1990.

Two years later in January, Stephanie was born. Two years after in October, Arlette was born.

We have now moved to El Paso, Texas where we have been living for about 10 years.

For more information visit my web page at

--Jose Lantigua (Jochy) 19:19, 17 February 2007 (UTC)