Please note that this DVD does not actually exist yet, it is just an idea!

I think a 'WikiLive'(tm) DVD would simplify things for most users. It would avoid novice users having to install and configure complicated PHP and PHP-MySQL server 'thingies' and would run on any computer.

A basic setup could be a stripped down Knoppix CD, with PHP-MySQL requirements pre-installed and configured to optimise running off the DVD. Firefox can be adapted to provide the best possible viewing and browsing experience.

One of the open source search-engines could be used to search for material on the CD/DVD/hard drive.

Beyond the PHP-SQL-MediaWiki engine, which should be able to install completely and EASILY, possibly as a Knoppix based operating system, there are database dumps in specific languages. Big ones, like English, most people would presumably keep/swap/buy on DVD/CD, but small ones could be downloaded and installed to this OS, if desired. Having this OS installed to your hard drive, you could then download additional databases of Wiki material off the net and run them on your hard drive, and then maybe even share them on an intranet (off the internet). WikiLive(tm) reference 16:41, 26 Sep 2004 (UTC)

The CD already exists. Here is a flash demo.