Welcome to the best page on Wikipedia to ever exist


Don't mess with the pepsi ninja (me).

Hello! My name is John Olano. I am known on the Internet as jjolano. Currently, I am a first-year undergraduate at the University of Toronto, Mississauga campus.
Computer science and software engineering are my specialties.



I was a part of the PlayStation 3 homebrew scene for a few months starting January 2011 (the time when the first public custom firmware was released). I have developed homebrew applications for the PlayStation 3 intended for developers and fellow scene members.

Here is a list of homebrew applications that I have released for the PlayStation 3:

  • OpenPS3FTP
  • dev_blind
  • PSVibe

All releases are open-sourced, licensed under the GNU General Public License. They can be found on my Github (linked below) and possibly some unknown mirror sources.


Live Stream (yes, I am also a gamer)
My Sandbox
My Twitter
My Github