New article name goes here new article content ...

Hi, my name's Jim, I have three accounts on Wikipedia, each with a specific purpose:
Account 1. User:Wiki-proofer-and-tagger
This account I primarily use to improve the text-based content and structural content of Wikipedia, primarily focused on the Epic of Gilgamesh, Siduri and related Wikipedia pages.
Account 2. User:Siduri-Project
This account I exclusively use for the "Siduri Project" an exciting new project aimed at improving and protecting Wikipedia, starting with the Siduri page.
Please note the Wikipedia "Siduri Project" is currently on hold due to regulatory concerns regarding the use of Creative Commons multimedia on Wikipedia and whether this might violate "original research" regulations.
Account 3. User:Gilgamesh-for-the-World
This is a sandbox account created as a Siduri Project "test page" so anyone in the world could safely beta-test putative improvements to the Siduri page, without incurring any editorial and/or administrative wrath (the Siduri Project has a "no wrath" policy) should they make a mistake. This project and hopefully everyone involved with it are here to help improve and protect Wikipedia.
I am going to make mistakes, our contributors are going to make mistakes, you, if you decide to help this effort, you are going to make mistakes. We want mistakes. Because mistakes mean you are trying to do something good, and that thing, that desire to help Wikipedia, we never want to snuff that out. We encourage you to keep trying, but keep your efforts limited to the Siduri beta-testing page (Gilgamesh-for-the-World) until you know that it works, prior to full release on Wikipedia; essentially a beta-testing area.
I also run, a non-profit dedicated to publicly hosting ancient and rare texts, specifically focused on Siduri, the Epic of Gilgamesh and ancient brewing technology (I'd love to know what Mesopotamian beer would have tasted like).
I also have a number of other Siduri/Gilgamesh related projects at various stages of development, but the Siduri Project is one of the most exciting with regards to its transformative potential, if successful, for improving and protecting not just one Wikipedia page, but all of Wikipedia. If you've had a bad experience on Wikipedia, join the club, so have I. But I ask you remember the reason you came here in the first place, the desire to make Wikipedia better. As Wikipedia continues to grow as our virtual portal for all knowledge, you want to do your part, however small, to make the world a better place.
Best, Jim Siduri-Project (talk) 16:39, 2 July 2014 (UTC)

