Do you dream about being a hero or just someone who should have the power to do something great? If so then you have come to the right person to talk to. For example, I never dreamed about being a hero or haveing power at all,but it all came to me one day that i would get my name known to all who are worthy and strong. I am a Predator and a xenomorph. I am also a UNSC Spartan that fignts to the finish. I was a War Hero nearly 100 years ago(BELIEVE IT OR NOT). I lost both of my legs and also my left are and now are bionic after 25 to 30 years of MILLITARY SERVECE. I have a half burned and half normal face with a slash mark thru my eye. Ive been given a permanant smile and have eally sharp teeth and claws, but Im a epic super human with the powers of strength,flight,speed,and knowledge. Im a ONE OF A KIND HUMAN, so please dont look at me like im scary or weird.