Rochelle Lal lives in jemay's heart. She's the other half of Jemay Santiago. more info about them is their relationship is forever. She fell in love with the month of september and they became girlfriends on october 9, 2016. 10:45pm. One day jemay and her will get married on america. They will travel the world, do a lots of goals together and build a family with their daughter named princess jechelle and their gold retriever dog named tofu and they will live happily ever after. Rochelle lal is beautiul, from inside and outside. She is the girl that most people been dreaming of. She's the people head turner in the school, mall, inside and outside of their home. Rochelle is bisexual that lastly fell in love with the one and only Jemay Santiago. She has a long distance relationship with her but still she's patiently waiting because they both believe that everything is worth it and worth the wait. love wins.