Simulation Analytics


The dramatic growth in computer power has driven an increase in both size and number of computer-aided engineering (CAE) simulations used in engineering and scientific analysis. The increase in number of simulation cases has revealed a gap in current post-processing analysis capabilities. Simulation Analytics software fills this gap. Simulation Analytics is the application of visualization, data management, statistics, and data mining to related collections of datasets generated by CAE codes. In particular, simulation analytics involves the coupled analysis of the detailed field data and the associated meta-data for a related collection of datasets.



The dramatic growth in the use of CAE for engineering design is due, to a large degree, to the equally dramatic increase in computer capabilities. CAE codes solve the complex non-linear partial differential equations that describe such phenomena as fluid flow, structural mechanics, and heat transfer. These solutions require enormous amount of memory and CPU cycles. For example, a high-fidelity solution of the air flow past an airplane will typically require a grid with hundreds of millions of cells. Until recently, the available computer resources were barely sufficient to run a handful of cases. Now it is possible to run hundreds of high-fidelity CAE simulations, making its use in the engineering design process practical.

The role of high-fidelity CAE simulation in engineering design is expanding at the expense of low-fidelity analyses and experimentation. In the aerodynamic design of aircraft, for example, the analysis was typically done with linear potential ‘panel’ methods or transonic potential methods. These analyses were supplemental to the extensive wind-tunnel testing where the bulk of the force and moment data was acquired. A scale model of the airplane would be placed in the wind tunnel and force and moment data would be taken over a wide range of flight parameters (speed, altitude, angle-of-attack, and yaw angle) and configurations (control surface positions, flap positions, or any other configuration changes they were investigating). In recent years, high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations have been supplanting the wind-tunnel as the dominant source of aerodynamic data. The wind tunnel is now viewed primarily as a tool to calibrate the CFD solutions.

The result has been an explosion in the size and number of CAE datasets - one for each set of flight and configuration parameters. Surveys by Tecplot, Inc. indicate that the number of CFD cases run for a particular project now number in the hundreds, or even thousands. Traditional techniques for analyzing this data – verifying quality, exploring, extracting flow features and integrated quantities, and reporting the results - are simply not possible in the time available to the design engineer. As a result, engineers now generally focus on the integrated results (forces and moments) and the detailed flow field is simply ignored. In other words, they are basing their decisions on 0.00001% of the information generated by the CFD simulation and 99.99999% of the valuable information is unused.

Simulation analytics was developed to help manage and analyze these rapidly expanding collections of data. It provides integrated tools for the analysis of the meta-data, like integrated forces and moments as a function of the flight and configuration parameters, and the detailed field data, like velocities, pressures and temperatures at millions of locations around the airplane. Unlike traditional analytics, which could be used to evaluate the meta-data, simulation analytics includes analysis of both meta-data and field data.

The introduction of simulation analytics will improve the productivity of engineers and scientist working with simulations. One early user of Tecplot Chorus, the first simulation analytics software, described a 20% reduction in time to manage and analyze his simulation results. A more dramatic example comes from Andy Luo of Swift Engineering, who said “Our post processing productivity increased by an order of magnitude. Now I can do in five minutes what once took me four to six hours.” This additional productivity will result in faster time-to-market for products and better decision making.

Needs of the Engineer or Scientist


Simulations are performed to improve engineering design and decision making. The design process begins with a set of requirements that include, among other things, the operating environment of the machine, the desired performance, and needed safety factors (some regulated). The designer will develop an array of potential designs, with a set of free parameters, that are evaluated for their ability to meet these requirements. It is the role of simulation, along with experimentation and other analyses, to determine which of the potential designs meets these requirements.

Simulations are also used to analyze existing systems outside of any design process. For example, surface-water or estuary simulations are used to evaluate water management strategies and the flooding potential of rivers. Likewise, ground water and air flow simulations are used in environmental analyses to estimate the propagation of pollutants. These analyses still result in large collections of datasets, representing a range of key input parameters such as rainfall rate and distribution, and various mitigation options such as the amount and timing of excess runoff release from flood-control reservoirs.

The result for each simulation is a set of meta-data, like forces and moments, and one or more data files containing the field data. Engineers need to manage this field-data and meta-data for a large collection of cases, verify the quality (convergence and accuracy) of the solution, identify trends and anomalies in the meta-data, identify the root cause of these trends and anomalies by examination of the field-data, compare data from different sources, and collaborate with others by sharing the data.

Components of Simulation Analytics


Data Management


In the related collections of datasets, the combined size and number of runs is growing with Moore’s law. The meta-data from each case (input parameters and scalar results for each simulation) is generally stored in a database or spreadsheet. Field data is generally stored in binary output files on file servers with high-bandwidth connections to the compute server.

As the size of the collections grows, it has become increasingly difficult to track and manage the data. In a presentation at the Society of Petroleum Engineers, Jim Crompton said that reservoir simulation engineers "spend 30% of their time looking for data, verifying data accuracy, and formatting data. They work on their personal space, so it can get lost when they leave." For this reason, management of the simulation data is a critical component of simulation analytics software.

There are two component of data management, safe storage of the data and rapid understanding of what data is available. In general, the meta-data should be stored in a database like any critical company information. On the other hand, the field data doesn’t work efficiently with most database formats so the database may just contain links to traditional data files stored in a hierarchical file system.

Visual representations of the datasets give the user a quick understanding of the available results and how they relate to one another. One way to do this is with scatter plots where symbols show the values of the independent variables (input parameters to the simulation) for all of the solutions in one image. For highly dimensional data, the dependence on the independent variables not displayed can be determined through interactive filtering, depth cues, and/or arrays of scatter plots. These techniques are discussed more in the next section.

Visualization and analysis of high-dimensional meta-data


In generally the meta-data is a function of several independent parameters, each of which represents a separate dimension for visualization and analysis. In aerodynamic analysis of an airplane, for example, the independent parameters might be the flight conditions; angle-of-attack, yaw angle, speed, and altitude; plus some configuration parameters; positions of control surface like eilerons, elevator, and rudder. This is at least seven parameters (dimensions). The engineer wishes to analyze the relationship between the integrated quantities such as lift, drag, and pitching moment and the seven independent parameters.

The engineer may create this aerodynamic database for one or more of the following purposes: analysis or simulation of the behavior of the vehicle, inclusion in a control or guidance system, optimization of a configuration parameter, or analysis of vehicle sensitivity to input parameters. In any case, the first step is usually to understand the relationships between the dependent and independent parameters.

Visualization of seven dimensional data is difficult. Humans see the world in three dimensions (four if you include motion over time) and computers only have two dimensional screens (three if you include animations). One option is to do an array of 21 conventional two-dimensional plots, each of which displays the variation of a dependent variable over two of the dimensions. Another option is to use techniques from business analytics, such as parallel coordinate plots (Fig. 1) and box plots (Fig. 2).

Statistical techniques are critical in the analysis of high dimensional meta-data. Interactive exploration using filters and plots such as scatter plots is a common technique for enhancing user understanding of the data. Adjusting filters allows the user to explore the dependence of the data on non-displayed dimensions. Other techniques, such as box plots, reduce dimensionality by summarizing the behavior over the non-displayed dimensions.

Perhaps the most important analytical tools are surrogate models, which estimate the variation of the functional relationship between a dependent variable and the independent variables. This functional form may be used in visualization, estimation of optimal configurations, sensitivity analyses, and as a substitute for the full simulation in subsequent analysis. In visualization, surrogate models are especially useful when the data is sparse and they are used to create line plots, carpet plots, and iso-surfaces. In optimization, they provide the functional form that may be solved or searched for maxima and minima. For sensitivity analysis, where the variation of dependent variables with independent variables would be difficult to estimate without a surrogate model, this functional form becomes critical. Finally, subsequent analyses such as Monte-Carlo simulations, flight simulators, and control and guidance system design would be virtually impossible if the full simulation had to be run every time the dependent variables needed to be evaluated as a new set of independent variables.

The key difference between simulation analytics and more traditional analytics like business analytics is that field data is available for each simulation case – each point in the meta-data. These large datasets contain the detailed variation of the field variables like pressure throughout the computational domain (space and, perhaps, time). This data is very valuable. For example, it can be analyzed to find the root cause of anomalies in a ways that is not possible, or at least is extremely difficult, with measured data. For example if the user notices an unexpected inflection in the lift versus angle-of-attack plot he could visualize the flow field near the aircraft wing to search for a cause. It might be a region of boundary layer separation caused by interactions between the engine nacelle and the wing, and the engineer would obtain a valuable and timely insight that could be used to improve the vehicle design. A simulation analytics tool must make this “deep dive” easy. Visualization and analysis of field-data

Computer aided engineering (CAE) simulations generally solve a set of partial differential equations to get the distribution of scalar, vector, and tensor variables on a grid filling the computational domain. The grid is either an IJK-ordered grid (a mapping of a rectangular grid to a non-rectangular domain, or a finite-element grid where the domain is subdivided into elementary shapes like tetrahedra and hexahedra. The PDEs are solved using iterative techniques to get the distribution of the field variables on the grid. The field variables are physical quantities like pressure, temperature, velocity, or stress. The field data are integrated to get the meta-data variables described in the previous section.

One of the primary goals of simulation analytics is to verify the quality of the CAE solutions. There are three main sources of error in the simulations: violation of the assumptions in the equations, insufficient convergence, and truncation error.

The partial differential equations solved by the CAE code are based on simplifying assumptions. Structural dynamics codes usually assume small displacements so that the equations can be linearized. If the computed displacements are too large this assumption can lead to substantial errors. Computational fluid dynamics codes which solve the Navier-Stokes equations nearly always model the effects of turbulence rather than computing all turbulent eddies. These models are imperfect, and portions of the flow are frequently inaccurate. These, and many other assumptions, need to be tested to ensure the accuracy of the results.

Additional assumptions are generally made in the application of boundary conditions. For example, the actual flow domain for external aerodynamics is extremely large but it is always truncated for CFD grids. If the outer boundary is too close to the vehicle, it may alter the results. Also, it is critical that the boundary conditions be well posed (for example, there is no inflow on an outflow boundary) or the solution may not give meaningful results.

Many of the CAE codes solve non-linear PDEs using iterative techniques. These solvers must be iterated to convergence or there will be errors in the solution. This converge is usually verified using convergence history plots. These are line plots versus iteration number of either residuals, which must go to zero, or integrated quantities, which must reach a constant value.

Truncation error is estimated using a grid convergence study. This requires the solution at the same input values (independent parameters), but with a series of increasingly fine grids. The truncation error varies with the square of the grid spacing (for second order schemes) so the difference between the coarse-grid solution and the fine-grid solution will give an estimate of the error on the coarse grid.

A primary goal of the “deep dive” is to investigate the root cause of anomalies in meta-data (example in Figure 3). For CFD solutions, these anomalies are typically caused by fluid-dynamic phenomena like boundary-layer separation or vortices. Traditional visualization software provides extensive capabilities for discovering and quantifying these features.

Another required capability of the “deep dive” is comparison of the field data solutions. This can either be a visual comparison or a numerical comparison. The software should show both solutions and some representation of the change between the solutions.

Data Mining


The dependent variables in the meta-data are scalar descriptive data that is computed from the field data. Typically they are integrated quantities like forces and moments, but other quantities are possible. For example, the maximum temperature within the field would be a useful descriptive quantity in heat transfer computations. Other quantities would require more detailed feature-extraction capabilities, like the percentage of the surface with boundary layer separation.

In addition to the scalar descriptive data, images of field data visualizations are commonly extracted. These provide a quick, but limited, method of viewing and comparing the field data solutions. Figure 3 is an example of an array of images.

Future of Simulation Analytics


The CAE market is growing at 12% per year. According to a 2010 survey by Tecplot, Inc., 60% of their users are performing parametric CFD analysis (one category of user for simulation analytics software). This percentage is expected to grow as computers continue to grow in power.

The number of CAE cases for each project is also expected to grow. As computer power expands following Moore’s law, a portion of the addition capability will be used to increase the number of cells in each case, to reduce the truncation error and model more complicated geometries, and the remainder will be used to run additional cases. The product of grid size and number of cases will increase at Moore’s law – the number of cases will increase more slowly than Moore’s law.