Hello. I'm JeanieLou. I'm here to give you advice and information. I will start editing pretty soon. If you have any questions, ask me. I have lot's on many topics and ready to share it with you. Come to my page later for more information. JeanieLou Hello Again! I have a topic for this hour. This hours topic is:Polar Bears! Stick around and the next O'clock, we'll have the information posted! Ask me if you want any certain topics,JeanieLou Hello. I'm back with information on polar bears.The scientific name for polar bears is Ursus Maritimus.Polar Bears are the largest land predators and biggest member of the bear family.Scientists belive that understanding polar bears may hold be the key to treating many diseases.Polar bears, sadly, are endangered.So let's all put an end to that right now! Tell me your ideas, here on my page!Also, send me what you think should be the topic of the hour! The topic of the hour runs between the hours of 5:00 p.m- 8:00 p.m usually. send me anything you'd like! And remember-SAVE THE POLAR BEARS! JeanieLou