jeamsid abdul

Numerology number 11 meanings for Jeamsid Abdul The number 11 is the number of spirituality, magic and mysticism.General meanings for 11 are: spirituality, intuition, wisdom of the soul, charisma, knowledge, awareness, draw from the faith force call of the soul, but also suggestibility, instability and vulnerability.With a 11 in the properties you are a sensitive and creative person, with a great interest in art, spirituality and culture and have great confidence. You have to support the power to help people even when they find themselves in an uncomfortable unpleasant situation.In a personal eleven year, you should pay attention to the union of body, mind and soul. It is a year of inspiration. Learn to trust your intuition. Live out your feelings and try acting on intuition.From a spiritual point of view the 11 symbolizes imperfection. The 11 has the capability of ideas becoming reality. We are talking about taking things in, approaching them and growing.