User:Jc03888/SPIN Farming

SPIN Farming

SPIN-Farming (Small Plot INtensive Farming) is a vegetable farming system that makes it possible to earn significant income from land bases under an acre in size. Its precise revenue targeting formulas and organic-based techniques make it possible to gross $50,000+ from a half-acre farm.

SPIN-Farming was founded by Wally Satzewich of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Satzewich was a traditional farmer until he realized that he generated more income farming a backyard farm than by farming his multi-acre farm outside the city limits.

SPIN-Farming codifies the methodology for creating a profitable business and specifies varieties of crops to sow, tools to use, pest management, harvesting as well as marketing, pricing and packaging.

The SPIN system utilizes "relay planting," which means densely sowing one crop after another to keep the beds perpetually full. The system is reliant upon growing short-season, high-end crops consumers will pay a premium for. It is unique from traditional farming in that it entails only a modest investment in equipment, with most work done by hand and minimal land cost.

The SPIN-Farming system also alters the traditional growing season by planting selected crops earlier or later than conventional guidelines would ordinarily dictate.

SPIN-Farming differs from Urban Farming in that


