Social Media

Representation of what Social Media does

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Social Media is a set of applications and websites that allow consumers to use the platforms to share content, collaborate, participate in network based gaming and e-commerce. Social Media allows a consumer to establish a landing page where meta data is collected and displayed about the consumer. The consumer is then able to collect and display pictures, videos and other memorabilia which they can then tag friends. The advantages of social media allow post content then allow others who have asked to be part of the consumers circle of friends to post feed back or just like the posts. Developers continue to build apps on social media platforms in order to leverage consumer interests.[1]

Problems associated with Social Media Usage and Corporate America

It's not uncommon for consumers of social media to attempt to use similar login credentials across various platforms. Employers should discourage employees from using the same passwords for social media that are used to access company computing resources. [2]

Many consumers may become susceptible to social engineering. Often employees access their social media platforms from work. Employers and consumers need to be made aware of the dangers of clicking on a posted link or downloading software from locations or organizations that are not trusted. Often the consumer already has trepidation about a suspicious website despite this the consumer continues to access the website.consumers must learn that if a Web page looks suspicious in any way, they should close their browser and not return to that page.

Social Media Platforms continue to be hacked by nefarious individuals. In 2014, Skype was hacked by the SLA.[3] In 2016, the Chicago Tribune published an article alerting consumers of ways to protect their social media accounts. [4]The company you work for may require access to social media accounts to be encrypted if possible. [5]

Activities within Social Media that could be a danger to consumers

Enthusiastic consumers often post more information than they should, for example their home address, their date of birth or place of birth, even names of their family members. Using social media to disclose confidential or proprietary information is an activity that needs to be discouraged by both the social media platform and by various media avenues to keep the consumers on alert. Employers should also ensure there is adequate awareness for employees at work about policies when using social media.[6]

Now that Trump is president, the use of social media has skyrocketed. Using social media along with the use of ethnic slurs, personal insults, obscenity, or engage in any conduct that would not be acceptable in public is being displayed in social media. If you post something for or against a presidential candidate a consumer must be ready of the onslaught of return commentary on the postings. Some of the responses will be for tough for the weak of heart. [7]

Good Uses for Social Media

Social Media continues to grow in both usage and in value. Social Media has the opportunity to bring disconnected friends together. To bring advance experience and knowledge of an illness to those who may be suffering from the same illness and are looking for more information. A vehicle to spread awareness in general about an event or the sale of an item. When using social media in the workplace its not uncommon for employees to require approval from their corporate communications department on best practices for social media usage.[8]


  1. ^ "Social media". Wikipedia. Retrieved 26 February 2017.
  2. ^ Abril, Patricia; Riego, Alissa; Levin, Avner. "Blurred Boundaries: Social Media Privacy and the Twenty-First-Century Employee". Wiley Publishing. Retrieved 25 February 2017.
  3. ^ Technology, BBC. "Skype social media platforms hacked by 'Syrian Electronic Army'". BBC. Retrieved 23 February 2017.
  4. ^ Kleinberg, Scot. "Outsmart the hackers: Keep your social media accounts safe". Chicago Tribune. Retrieved 23 February 2017.
  5. ^ Rai, Soumi. "Engaging Young Employees (Gen Y) in a Social Media Dominated World – Review and Retrospection". Science Direct. Elsevier. Retrieved 24 February 2017.
  6. ^ Vaast, Emmanuelle; Kaganer, Evgeny. "Social media affordances and governance in the workplace: An examination of organizational policies". Wiley. Retrieved 22 February 2017.
  7. ^ Gevertz, David; Greenwood, Gina; Bearman, Baker. "The Health Lawyer". HeinOnline. Retrieved 25 February 2017.
  8. ^ Dreher, Sonja (2014). "Social media and the world of work : A strategic approach to employees' participation in social media". Corporate Communications: An International Journal. 19 (4): 344. Retrieved 26 February 2017.