Mr. Snehal Vakilna an advocate who could be designated as an pioneer in the field of Cyber crimes and Cyber laws in Surat as well as South Gujarat .Who is working in the field of cyber crimes and cyber laws since more than past two decades. MR.SNEHAL HEMANTKUMAR VAKILNA is giving his services as an advocate in Revenue, Stamp duty, Taxation matters along with his involvement in Cyber Crime matters since more than 11 years. He was recognized as the youngest and the FIRST CYBER LAWYER OF SURAT in the Book “PATH PRADARSHIT PRATIMA” PUBLISHED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF MR. NARENDRA MODI 2007-2008 . He had Always Been present in the headlines of Various Newspapers with respect to his cases. One of his column “Fight Against Cyber Crimes” was very well appraised by the audience in 2012-2014. Presently along with his cases he is actively assisting Surat Crime Branch and Various Police departments in Surat, Navsari, Bharuch, Valsad etc. He is in the Panel of Cyber Crime Expert in Surat Rural Police Department. He had contributed and guided Police department in Landmark cases like Nigerian Fraud case, Income tax department Fraud Case, Evaphone case, SBI ATM fraud case wherein criminals were Arrested in couple of days, Mobile Balance Financial Fraud, School Girls Face book Racket case, College Principal Identity theft case, Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) Blast case due to technical negligence , First Pornographic Website case ever registered in Gujarat matter etc. Apart from this He had given his contribution in various different face book, whats app and various financial cases. Mr.Vakilna had always remained in the centre in various television news on the basis of his cases and Television Interviews. Similarly he had conducted Cyber Crime Awareness Programs in various Radio Channels. He had given numerous cyber crime awareness programs in order to aware Women, Student and Various other Segments of Society. His paper with regards “POWER OF POLICE” UNDER INDIAN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ACT amongst whole of Gujarat was selected and read in INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE AND WAS PART OF INTERNATIONAL JOUNRAL ON TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT. Recently he was honoured by Surat Rural Police Department for Training 50 police Officers from all over South Gujarat. Recently , His book “ WAR FORCE “ which incidentally could be designated as first book on fight against cyber crimes in Surat as well as South Gujarat was launched by  IGP sir Dr. Shamsher Singh ( Surat Range) and Mr Pankaj. Kapdia ( Social worker ) on 9 Oct 2016 at Cross Word which directed various security measures to be taken by Police Department for Eradication of Cyber Crimes in Surat.