Jaybo was 33 when he made his first screen name, hence Jaybo33. That was a long time ago, 1996. Jaybo33 is married with a cat named Willeau. Jaybo33 has been to Australia, Africa, Italy, Greece, Spain, Canada, Iceland, Mexico, Bahamas, Saint Lucia, the Dominican Republic, Bermuda, and most of the United States. Jaybo33 runs long distance, plays a guitar and sings, has Bungee jumped from the ankles and the chest, skydived free-fall from 10,000 ft, and is a certified SCUBA Diver. Jaybo33 is a 6-year active duty Navy Veteran and has been in Electronics since 1981. Jaybo33 edits Wikipedia entries...

Jaybo33 loves Batbeau, vaping, Led Zeppelin, running, tennis, volleyball, God (God is Being, not A being!).

--Jaybo33 11:32, 19 October 2006 (UTC)