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Valdeverdeja is a Spanish municipality in the province of Toledo, in the autonomous community of Castilla-La Mancha, in Spain. The population of the village is 598 inhabitants acording to the 2017 census. The municipal surface is 67 km² and has a population density of 10.04 inhabitants per km². Valdeverdeja is located in the western of the province of Toledo and is in the limit of the autonomous community of Castilla-La Mancha, near to the province of Cáceres that belongs to Extremadura.

The municipality is located in the valley of the Tajo, on a granitic land that forms "canchales". The river Tajo runs between steep banks. In the banks of the river threre are watermills that are now in disuse. In the prehistory, that lands wrere occupied by inhabitants of the Neolithic. Also the Romans, found some settlement in this place as shown by the remains of the baths and funeral steles found.

Other points of interest of the municipality are the church of San Blas, built in the 16th century and increased in the 18th century; the consistorial house, a large granite building with arcades supported by Tuscan columns(that is the town hall in the moment); the hermitage of Nuestra Señora de los Desamparados, from the 18th century; and Los Pozos Nuevos, a place where several dozens of wells are located with their corresponding stone washings.

The local festivities are: The patron Saint Blas on february 3, the carnival sunday and in the middle of august the festivitie of the fraternity.