Jamestown was founded on the 14th of may in 1607. One hundred members of the Joint Members called the Joint Venture founded it on the James River. As the town began to develop,Christianity was the dominant religion. Diseases and famine developed throughout Jamestown and left 60 out of the 214 settlers. The Algonquin tribe attacked the colonists, which contributed to the depletion of the colony's population. Mutual trade developed between the Powhatans and colonists and they traded beads and copper for food which brought the colony back to life. Captain John Smith played a big role in keeping the colony from dissolving. When more ships arrived, they came with wealthier members of Europe. John Rolphe was aboard and he funded the colonies. Jamestown colonists captured the chief Powhatan's daughter Pocahontas, in hopes that they would give back weapons and men that the Powhatans stole.

Plymouth was founded by the Pilgrims in December of 1620. When the pilgrims sailed over from England on the Mayflower the ones that survived formed this colony. They left England to look for religious freedom similar to Jamestown. The people of Plymouth were Quakers and Puritans. They survived because the Native Americans taught the colonist many useful tactics. One very important one was how to plant corn. They taught them how to hunt for different types of animals. They also taught them how to travel through various places of the country side. This was very helpful because the Native Americans were on the land first and they could help them out. The Native Americans did not really life Jamestown. Plymouth and the Native Americans exchanged different goods and skills for each other’s benefits. “The Plymouth economy developed around trade in fish and furs. The sandy, rocky soil had made agriculture difficult, but basic crops were grown successfully. Plymouth was never a prosperous settlement, but the religiously faithful were content to be ignored by English officials and left to direct their own affairs. Plymouth remained a separate political entity until it was absorbed by the Massachusetts Bay Colony, in 1691 (http://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h522.html .

People of Plymouth

People of Jamestown

Trading &Goods- Plymouth

Trading & Goods- Jamestown

Economy- Plymouth

Economy- Jamestown

Struggles of Plymouth

Struggles of Jamestown