My name is James Alexander. I was born in Kentucky on August 15 1993. My parents are Jim and Debbie. I have two brothers, one older and one younger. I am also a self-professed Quaker. I am presently a sophomore at the University of Pikeville, which I am majoring on religion and minoring in criminal justice. I know what you thinking "why in the world would you major in religion?" Well, I believe you can never truly know a person or a culture until you know what they believe in, and yes, everyone has some form of beliefs. Right now I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to do with my major at the moment. I really enjoy reading and writing poetry, drawing. I love fantasy movies, like Lord of the Rings. I also love going to lectures on religious topics. Something's that can get really hot blooded is intolerance of people, racism, and injustices done by governments on its own people. I also an advocate for environmental conservation, social justice programs, and marriage equality.

This user loves the Autumn.
This user believes that Evolution and Christianity are mutually supportive.
This user opposes all forms of racism and admires Nelson Mandela.

This user believes that the death penalty should never be used.*