The definition you give for iridology is far from accurate. I should first explain the 2 different methods of iridology. The American model is based on the fact that only medical doctors can make a diagnose, this for iridologists in America meant changing its main principles resulting in bastardisation and inaccuracy. The other model stems from Europe and is totally different from the American model.

In most of Europe people are free to learn and practice iridology unlike in the USA where people do not have the same freedom, which is strange for a country that is forever saying it is the land of the free. In Europe iridologists do use iridology to name specific diseases.

The terms referred to “overactive” and “inflammation” is inaccurate and misleading and is the foundations of American iridology. Such terminology is shallow, misleading and non professional. You are also wrong in stating that the iris changes, it does not.

In the 1980s I conducted my own research into the iris changing. What occurs is a photograph taken of an iris in sunlight appears different to the same iris taken in a darkened room. Pupil dilation or constriction changes the patterns of the iris. It took me a couple of hours to prove this, which begs the question why hasn’t one American iridologist with half a brain found the same.

You also state “Other features that iridologists look for are contraction rings and Klumpenzellen, which are said to indicate various other health conditions, as interpreted in context.” This is again American bull shit. Who ever wrote this should resign.

Iridologists in Europe view the iris before taking a medical history, or any information that can be seen to be passing the same information back to the patient who has already stated a medical problem. You also state “A visit to an iridologist can have a placebo effect.” Such a statement cements your ignorance of iridology.

Scientific research into iridology Oh dear, if the same criteria was given to all medical research as in Simon et al.4, 1979 the second biggest killer of people being doctors in America, would create a national panic. Diagnosis from a photograph is not possible.

The Paul Knipschild trail was flawed; Knipschild could not find any iridologist to take part in his plan. So he got 5 doctor cronies to work from an iridology book, which just happen to be the American model of iridology. Anyone for heart surgery, I have a excellent book to work from.

You presented no research that is available from Spain, Russia, or Korea which shows very good results for iridologists.

If you can’t be honest then don’t write it.