
gravity as a static charge,created by the movement of the atmospheres and tectonic plates, this occurs naturally by the rotation of the planet there are two charges being made by the rotation of the planet a ferromagnetic charge and a non ferromagnetic charge, these two charges will attract and repel the ferrous and non ferrous metals, density will also play a role in the weight of the matter. gravity acting on mass to create weight, take aluminum for instance is light and not as dense as other metals, aluminum is one of those metals in theory that could be lacking a pole, like to have 3 poles, this is undetermined, which raises the question why does aluminum have links to Alzheimers or other illnesses, the lack of one pole could be the answer.

the static charge and the earths molten core and crust co-incide with each other, this might explain why lightning strikes from the ground up, if lightning does strike from the ground up, suppose time is embedded in light and light behaves like particles, light should then act like a car or matter moving under gravity or time should move slower under a higher gravitational force and vise versa with a lighter gravity, in theory if you were able to travel faster than the speed of light you should also be able to travel forward in time because time will be catching up to you

with these charges the ferrous and non ferrous matter or elements the proton ans electron will given that one is ferrous and the other is non ferrous the protons and the electron will carry a different polarity for each of the types of matter, in order to reverse the polarity of the protons you have to increase the speed of the rotation of the planet to focus the charge on a different part of the planet or proton like from the earths crust or core (wherever there is ferrous matter) which would be the ferrous part of earth and the atmoshere where there is non ferrous matter to reverse the polarity, in theory the sun is the nucleus or the particles and the protons are the planets

given that the planet is spin and orbiting the sun at the speed of light, if hold something that is spinning that fast and try to turn it or alter it, it is hard to turn the rating device, thid could explain why the solar system if flat

if the sun is the nucleus there should be electrons and neutrons that will have their neutral and negative charges, and the question arises how does the planet get mass if it is orbiting the sun and is a ball that doesn't have a weight or gravity to act on it, the neutral and negative charges in turn with the radiation given off by the sun like in particles physics there is radiation given of by the nucleus that acts on the earth being the ball with matter and the atmosphere