Taxpayer Identification Number (TPIN)
IssuerZambia Revenue Authority (ZRA)
PurposeTo provide a unique identifier for individuals and entities for tax purposes
RegistrationMandatory for individuals and entities that are required to pay taxes in Zambia
Format10-digit number
WebsiteZambia Revenue Authority TPIN Registration

A Taxpayer Identification Number (TPIN) is a unique identifier assigned by tax authorities to individuals and entities for tax purposes in Zambia it is issues by the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) to individuals and entities that are required to pay taxes.

The TPIN registration process in Zambia involves submitting a completed registration form and providing relevant documentation to the ZRA. Once the registration is completed, the ZRA issues a 10-digit TPIN to the applicant, which is used for tax purposes, such as filing tax returns, making tax payments, and claiming tax refunds.

It is worth noting that having a TPIN is a legal requirement in Zambia for individuals and entities that are required to pay taxes. Failure to obtain a TPIN or to use it when required by law may lead to penalties and other legal consequences.



The taxpayer identification number (TPIN) in Zambia was introduced in 2007 as part of the government's tax reform program aimed at modernizing the tax system and enhancing tax compliance.[1]


  1. ^ "Government of the Republic of Zambia. (2007). The Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) Registration Regulations, 2007". ZRA.

Category:Taxation in Zambia Category:Unique identifiers Category:Taxpayer identification numbers Category:Company identification numbers