Hi there! Here is my review of your article and what I think you did really well and what needs to be improved:


1. What does he article do well?

 I think your article gives a nice holistic overview of nicotinamide and includes all of the major information neatly summarized. Your sections are very organized and concise which I think is very important. Most of the information is cited as well, although a few more wouldn’t hurt. 

2. What parts of the article could be improved?

I think the main thing that needs to be improved is the introduction paragraph. The information is great and gives a nice summary of the rest of the article but the delivery could be improved. A few sentences in the paragraph feel as though they were bullet points on a list that were copied over and used as sentences without anything else to connect the ideas together. Other than the overall wording and flow of the intro and maybe needing a few more citations, this article is great! 

3. What's the most important thing the author can do to improve the article?

Again, I think the most important thing is to make that introduction flow a little bit better. I feel that the majority of people searching through Wikipedia mainly look at the introduction paragraph and because of that I think it’s really important that it clearly communicates the background of the topic and has good syntax. 

4. Did you find anything about this article that could be applied to your own?

I think that your overall organization and clear presentation of information is definitely something I should take some notes on and apply to my own article 

Overall great job!!


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