This page is dedicated to all of those who are in pursuit of their goals and have arrived at an impass or have traversed beyond these proverbial forks in the road. With decisions to make on a daily basis it's hard for one to step outside the box and into a new reality that can be realized by perseverance and a non complacent attitude.

Today is what you make it and tomorrow is what you make out of today. Yesterday will be your footprint of the choices you have made this very day. In hindsight you can always retrace the impressions one makes to see if the path one has left is consistent with the path one is hoping to follow. Once an introverted retrospective is formed,  there will be a self awareness that can not be denied. If acceptable to you and your ideals than continue without any further delay. However,  if epiphany strikes! You may find that your current course is in need of a redirection.