


I started out editing as both an anonymous contributor as with another account, but have since decided to pretty much leave all those accounts behind (in good standing, of course) and continue editing using this one only.

And this? This is more often than not absolutely true. Jack Sebastian 02:36, 21 May 2016 (UTC)

A wee bit about me


I was born pretty much in the ordinary way and grew up (mostly). What education I didn't get in some damn fine schools I received via trial and error outside academia. Also:

  1. I am gainfully employed and pay taxes, and am therefore entitled to bitch about the Way Things Are™.
  2. I hate clowns. Seriously. the only good clown is a bullet-riddled one.
  3. When you have a fat friend, there are no seesaws, only catapults.
  4. I am actually aware of my lack of awareness. Similarly, I am smart enough to know how stupid I am.
  5. My name is not actually Jack Sebastian.
  6. I have two kids, both with an unremarkable (or so I am told) lack of self-preservation. It keeps me busy.