

This user was born at about ten pounds large and had a fifty percent chance of living. He was born with his parents and two older sisters. Both of his sisters are attending college. He has a ten year old dog named Frisco. Both of his parents attended Missouri State University and are from the midwestern United States. He is a native of north metro Atlanta with his hometown being in Lawrenceville. He graduated from Collins Hill High School in 2009. The first word he said was ball. He has played baseball since he can remember and will always watch it because he thinks it is the best sport ever. He severely broke his left elbow when he was ten years old playing basketball.

He does not really care for computers and most other technologies because they are too complicating. Technology is great, but at the same time we can not stop using manual labor just to satisfy every computer smart person's needs. He prefers using Internet Explorer over Mozilla Firefox only because he has never used Firefox before. The only technology he cares for is the cell phone. He is currently a student at Georgia Southern University. His major is undeclared because he is not sure what he wants to do with his life yet. His first thought was aeronautical engineering because he has wanted to be a pilot for a long time. He also might want to work in construction management. He really likes being a student at Georgia Southern University because there are many benifits of it. Georgia Southern offers people so much that they can not do everything, but have to choose only somethings to get involved in.

He has very limited Wikipedia experience. The only times he has visited the wiki is because he was interested in some information. He is interested in using Wikipedia and communicating with many other people from all around the globe on any article. He is very excited to use the wiki, but does not want to spend much time on it unless he needs the facts for school.