I have a lot of knowledge in motors and how they run. Mainly i am interested and know a lot about vehilcales or forms of transportation. I love reading or receiving information on planes and cars mainly. The cars is a facinating machine that runs so smoothly but there is alot that has to happen when someone drives it. Some people dont realize how critical it is for all arts of a car to be perfect. There are so many steps that have to be taking between the time of stepping on the gas and getting the engine to accelerate. Then with planes it is just amazing how they can get so much thrust to ge such a masive object in the air. The engine that they run of of are each like the size of a middle class house. A plane is an incradible machine that is used daily in todays world. Technology has come so far in that 90 years ago we didnt even have airline like the ones that we have now. Now adays if you want to go some where flying is one of the options.