The iPhone 3G will be released on July 11, 2008, available in the United States exclusively on AT&T Mobility with a two year contract.The 8 GB iPhone 3G will cost US$199 and the 16 GB iPhone 3G will cost US$299, a price drop of US$200 each. However, the consumer data plan will cost US$30 per month, a price increase of US$10.[1] In an interview with Om Malik, AT&T Mobility President and Chief Executive Officer Ralph de la Vega stated that "The SMS messages are not bundled anymore, and you pay for what you want."[2] The voice plan for the first generation iPhone included 200 text messages. AT&T currently charges US$5 per month for 200 text messages.[3] Several sources, including CNet,[4] Engadget,[5] Gizmodo,[6] MacWorld,[7] Time,[8] and Yahoo!,[9] have pointed out that this would be an increase of US$240 to US$360 over the span of the two year contract, which is greater than the US$200 price discount.[10][11]

On July 1 2008, It was announced that current AT&T customers that are not eligible for upgrade to the 3G iPhone could purchase the device for only US$200 more of the price for either model version (US$399 for 8 GB, US$499 for 16 GB). They will simply add another two years to your contract. AT&T also released that they will sell the 3G iPhone in the United States without a contract, costing the public US$599 for the 8 GB and US$699 for the 16 GB.[12] Apple has not released statements about this move.


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  8. ^,8599,1813056,00.html
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  12. ^ "iPhone 3G to be sold without a contract in the states". AT&T Mobility.