Iván Ruiz is an American Sommelier, Educator, restaurateur, Television personality, Retailer, Importer. Iván is passionate about wine, food, friends and family.

Biography: - Owner, The Wine List of Summit 2005-Present www.winelistsummit.com - Founder Executive Director, Summit Wine and Food Festival www.summitwineandfood.com - Co-Founder, The Wine List Sommelier www.winelistsommelier.com - Producer-Writer, In Search of the Perfect Palate (TV) www.insearchoftheperfectpalate.com

Education: Certified by the Master Court of Sommeliers 1999 American Sommelier - Sommelier Society of America 1997 Italian Expert - Italian Wine Trade 1995 French Expert - Sopexa French Wines 1992

Experience: -National Wine Importer Ivan F. Ruiz Selections Inc. (NYC)2001-2005 -Restaurant Manager - Sommelier, Ryland Inn Restaurant -General Manager - Sommelier, Patria Restaurant, NYC -General Manager - Sommelier, Chicama and Pipa, NYC -General Manager - Sommelier, Stage House Inn, NJ -Beverage Director, Dennis Foys Town-Square, NJ -Maitre d, Sommelier, Bartender, Hunt Club Restaurant, NJ -Server, La Chaumiere Restaurant, CA -Captain, Picholine Restaurant, NYC


Teacher: American Sommelier Association,
Host: HITV National Public Television Network
Guest Speaker: United Nations Staff Recreation Council Argentine Club
Guest Sommelier: Masters of Food and Wine Festival, Carmel
TV Host: Univision National Spanish Network
Guest Speaker: Bouley Restaurant (Foods from Spain)
Guest Speaker: James Beard Foundation
Guest Sommelier: Martha Steward Morning show
Guest Sommelier: March of Dimes Benefit
Production Sommelier: Chefs Theater NYC
Lecturer: Sherry Campaign NYC


French Winery Apprentice 1997 - Robert Chadderdon
-Billecart-Salmon Winery: Mareuil, Sur-Ay, Champagne
-Domaine Daniel Chauveau Winery: "Pallus" Cravant-les-coteaux, Chinon, Loire Valley
-Albert Boxler Winery: Niedermorschwihr, Alsace

Restaurant Apprentice 1994

-Gramercy Tavern: Steven Olson
-Lespinase: Gray Kunz


Dennis Foy (NYC)
De La Costa (Chicago)
Alma de Cuba (Philadelphia)
Zona Rosa (NYC)
Maroma (Dominican Republic)
New Station House (NJ)