NOTE: This page has now been created at Shovelglove. I'm hanging onto the text below in case it needs to be recreated in some stage in the future due to editorial dispute.

Shovelgloving is a form of exercise based around use of a sledgehammer that has been wrapped in a sweater or otherwise padded. The shovelglove is used to perform shoveling, butter churning and wood chopping motions amongst others.

Reinhard Engels the inventor of Shovelgloving advocates Shovelgloving for 14 minutes per day.

He explains the rationale for 14 minutes as follows[1]: "It's one minute less than the smallest unit of schedulistically significant time. No calendar has a finer granularity than 15 minutes. No one ever has a meeting that starts at 5 or 10 or 14 minutes before or after the hour. You have no excuse not to do this. Time-wise, it doesn't even register."

He recommends beginners start with less than 14 minutes, however.

Creation of Shovelgloving


Reinhard Engels states[2] "I didn't want to do sit-ups or pushups. I didn't want to grovel on my stomach on the floor, like some degraded beast. "There must be some kind of movement I can do standing up, with the dignity of a human being," I thought, "some kind of movement that is natural and interesting, that my body would like to do."


  • exercises a variety of muscles simultaneously[3]
  • provides a good workout for the back[4]


  • risk of injury through overexertion, especially for beginners[citation needed]
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