Inufin Ayomide better known as Ayomide D'great is an African writer, poet, presenter, public speaker and entrepreneur.

He was born on the 5th day of November in the 90s, he hails from Ijumu, Ayegunle, Kogi State Nigeria but born, bred and lives in Ibadan.

He attended Goshen Boys & Girls Nursery and Primary school New Bodija, Ibadan and He furthered his secondary education at Loyola College Ibadan. He had his tertiary education at the premier University of Nigeria, the University of Ibadan where he holds a Bachelor's degree in Library and information science.  

His writings edify modern-day happenings and real-life events and trends, he has written 12 poetry collections, 1 published Poetry ChapBook, over 2 thousand poems, several articles, short stories and journals.

He has won PCG's poet of the year, most creative writer of the year, writerolic of the year 2017 and 2018 respectively.

Also, his ChapBook titled "Walking Through Memory Lane" won Poetry Series of the year 2018 at the MidasMinds Online Poetry Awards including his poem "Ayo Has A Boyfriend" that won Poem Of The Year at the same awards and PCG Dynamite awards respectively.  

His love poem titled "To A Priceless Princess 2" came 2nd at the Prose Poetry Hood Valentine Competition which won him both an award and cash gifts.

His mission is to make his writing seen, read and heard throughout the globe and his vision is to be among iconic and influential writers who have added values to the society.

You can find Ayomide on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (@ayomide_dgreat)