BIOGRAPHY JAN GULFOSS, artist and explorer is born in Holland on November 14 1957. Fascinated by nature from an early age, Gulfoss developed a particular interest in birds. He expressed this in his painting, and he also recorded the spectrum of sound reflected in their song. At the age of sixteen, he moved to the South of France, where he studied Art at the Villa Arson in Nice. Then starts a long period of artistic and scientific research and explorations. He studies in natural history museums, zoo's and one of the main sources of inspiration for his work has been the Musée Océonagraphique of Monaco, which he first visited in 1974 and which he regards as being his 'second studio.' At the same time, Jan started to explore new evolving technologies, with a view to integrating these into his creative work. Working with 3D applications, and a range of sound frequencies, he began to create photographic compositions of animals, and various other objects, staged in theatrical settings. One area that has particularly interested him, over the years, has been Time. By making a series of drawings on decomposing fruit and animals, he was able to develop these further into a series of videos illustrating visually, the concept of Time. In 2007 his studio in St. Rémy de Provence, burned down completely, and all of his body of creative work and research was lost. This life changing event, provided the impetus to start afresh, by igniting within him, a creative spark which would lead him on an epic voyage of discovery, inspired by the great explorers of earlier centuries. Driving his Lotus car, Gulfoss began a remarkable journey, which was to take him from Iceland's volcanic glaciers to hidden monasteries in Bhutan, from the Arctic Circle to Tasmania. At each location, filming as well as recording, he studied contrasting sounds and their frequencies - from the absolute silence of desert locations to the songs of whales resonating from the oceans, from the sounds of exotic, tropical birds to the mystical chants of Buddhist monks. One special highlight was performing on a didgeridoo, with native Aborigines. Other areas of Gulfoss's creative output have included contributions to musical performance and composition, cinema, theatre as well as the publication of several books. Gulfoss exhibits worldwide since 1981.

RECENT EXHIBITIONS 2014 "After the Fire "Chapelle Notre Dame de Pitié in Saint Rémy de Provence. 2015 April 16 - 20 Fotografiska - European Photo Museum Stockholm-Sweden June-July - Young Gallery - Brussels Belgium August - Absolute Art Gallery - Knokke le Zoute Belgium / Festival A-part Les Baux de Provence - France Galerie 11 Colombia-Monaco (permanently) 2016 February 19th to May 1st - CT Gallery-Mégève-France Crossover Gallery-Hamburg-Germany Young Gallery-Brussels-Belgium Photo London- Great Britain Beetles+Huxley Gallery-London-GB

On-going Projects: "The Modern Adventures of Baltasar Gulfoss «  (book and film) 'The Hero With A Thousand Faces' - [a modern day opera in collaboration with Bréon George Riddell, 2014].