User:Ingmar.lippert/Centre for the Study of Environmental Change

'Centre for the Study of Environmental Change (CSEC) ...

part of Lancaster University


self description CSEC is an interdisciplinary centre, now based in Lancaster's Department of Sociology, which exists to develop a fuller understanding of the social, political and cultural dimensions of debates around environment and new technologies, and of their implications for public policy and society.

founded by Brian Wynne and Robin Grove-White [1]




In 2000 CSEC merged with the Department of Philosophy to form IEPPP.

quote from : Study of Environmental Change (CSEC), Lancaster University, was one of the first to develop the method specifically on risk related issues, and this has had impact on how public opinion has been discussed and portrayed by other academics as well as in policy discussions. When CSEC started to take an interest in focus group methodology in the early 1990s, the motives for this were connected to a deep dissatisfaction with how publics and public opinion often were presented in relation to technology and risk. According to the former director of the Centre, Robin Grove-White, there was a wish to contrast “simplified rationalistic accounts of supposedly ignorant or irrational attitudes on the part of the public”, there was a big difference between “what people said to us, when we were asking sociologically informed questions about risk and trust, compared with what the polls of the nuclear authorities were showing”.28

