It is said that Bhagawan chitragupta had twelve son all married with naga girls.out of that one jitendriya married to manjubhasni .their progeny were reside & worship in shiv mandir in Navdwip (Nadiya ; Bengal) Pundit Ramji Lal was among them who was literate had wisdom by virtue of that he was appointed minister by mahapadam dhananand of patilputra.due to his proavtiveness hardworking loyalty high intigrity he became mahamantri (prime minister) But due course of time dhanand felt that Pandit ShriRamlal is having doubtful intigraty .he ordered mass killing of his of the daughter in law was pregnant due contemporary Law of Hindu do not allow them to slaughter her . therefore she was spared .she had taken shelter in neighbour Rajkavi Shankar bhatt .he was also good friend of pundit Ramjilal Shanker bhatt along with pregnant lady escaped from patilputra toward northwest via river ganga.had taken shelter in kanagora(kannoj)Kingdom. After sometime lady had delievered twin son Parikshat and Jaidev .their nurturing had started under Shankar bhatt they became Littrate in shastra Sanskrit lit and maths Both started their carrier as kayastha in kannoj kingdom This group became good kayastha in profession in kingdom However they were vegetarian & Non alcohlic and god worshiper but this group/clan was not included in kayastha though they profess as kayastha During 8th century kannoj was ruled by king harshwardhan but he was defeated by kayatha king of kashmeer king Lalitaditya Muktpida .Lalitaditya was the king who have spread his kingdom from mid northwest Asia to Bengal . This group was good in administration and collecting tax for the king.king Lalitaditya praise their efforts .he also come to know that this group is not included in kayastha though they profess kayastha profession During his tenure VIRAT KAYASTHA SABHA had held their meeting in panjab on CHAITRA SHUKLA Dwitya 795 vikrami samvat. this group as they were pure Vegetation,non alcoholic therefore KULSHRESTHA title was awarded to them in said sabha till vikrami samvat 1249 year kannoj was ruled by King Jaichand in kannoj. after deat of Prathivi raj at Delhi Ghori had attacked to kannoj the king of kNNOJ WAS UNPREPARED ,THEREFORE DEFEATED EASILY tHE ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF was run away for safe shelter along with Rajput warriors toward Dholpur and Jaloan rest remain there ,shifted toward south of kannoj divided into three group 1.Dwavi 2.Jaloan,3 Dholpuri During year 1350 Vikrami samvat Alalludin Khilji became nabab of KARA and Awad . kannoj was ruled by rajput king ,he was defeated by revolt of administrative staff mean kayastha son of main administative ie Jayant singh . khilji was not getting revenue from farmers after some time he came to know that a group of kayastha could help them in collection of revenue so this group of kulshrestha was alloted and autherized to collect the revenue of 14 village during year 1559 vikrami samvat sikander lodhi had built naka KACHCHA BURJ at Pithawal which is near AGRA, the kulshrestha family was appointed warrior of that place like wise dholpur was also alloted and authried to collect revenue of 18 villages around dholpur during Akbar Raja Todarmal alloted 6 more villages to dwavi 17 villages to dholpur kulshrestha group so dwavi kulshrestha became 20 villege holder for revenue whereas dholpur kulshrestha became resident of 35 villages

after Independence most of the paatwaries were kayastha in UP,they all resigned collectivly then they started migrated to towards cities and spreaded all over world