
Pattern count: 39 — Error count: 0 — Threshold: 30 — Processing time: 0:26

Scoring notes

  • Interstitial nucleus of Cajal Total score: 80
    • Score: 10, pattern: /\Wbrain\W/
    • Score: 10, pattern: /\Wcorti/
    • Score: 20, pattern: /encephal/
    • Score: 40, pattern: /neuro/
  • Murder of Ng Yao Cheng Total score: 40
    • Score: 5, pattern: /\Wemotion/
    • Score: 10, pattern: /\Wmental/
    • Score: 5, pattern: /\Wmind\W/
    • Score: 10, pattern: /depress(ion|ant)\W/
    • Score: 10, pattern: /psych/
  • Gilles J Lavigne Total score: 44
    • Score: 40, pattern: /neuro/
    • Score: 4, pattern: /\Wsleep\W/
  • Chainama Hills Mental Hospital Total score: 30
    • Score: 20, pattern: /\Wmental/
    • Score: 10, pattern: /psych/
  • Roberto G. Carbone Total score: 40
    • Score: 40, pattern: /neuro/
  • Draft:Kiara Oleary Total score: 30
    • Score: 20, pattern: /\Wmental/
    • Score: 10, pattern: /psych/
  • Draft:Brian J. Hall Total score: 30
    • Score: 20, pattern: /\Wmental/
    • Score: 10, pattern: /psych/
  • Template:US respirator topics Total score: 35
    • Score: 10, pattern: /\Wmental/
    • Score: 20, pattern: /neuro/
    • Score: 5, pattern: /psych/