Ickityick is a Wikipedia user that... well, no personal information because insane people want to look and, well, we'll just say you
don't want to find out. Ok, I have to admit, Ickityick is only eight years old, and I'm Ickityick editing this. I'm just a regular kid with unaverage ADHD that likes to "flapp" around every once in a while, making sound effects. I am reaching my goal of quitting in May 2034. And plus, I am American.
My Goals were/are/will be: Joined: I don't remember Time Inbetween: 21 years Retire from Wikipedia: May 2034 Well, I hope this wasn't TMI! My talk page is kinda crappy, if you know what I mean, wink, wink! Never mind, I quit! Just kiddin'!