Aim edit

Improving Wikipedia by ensuring it has high quality information, all referenced, regarding Virtual Aviation.

Golden Rule edit

My golden rule is... If a rule prevents me from improving or maintaining Wikipedia, I shall ignore it.

Created edit

Projects edit

Workbench edit

As part of an effort to clean up the state of Virtual Aviation articles on wikipedia, I have been going through articles and either improving them or proposing there deletion as required. Below are the articles I have proposed for deletion. If any are contested, please add the required to tag to the page and give some extra info and I would be happy to try and make the page fit. I go on an articles, book, and web search of the topics prior to proposing their deletion. If I cannot find any reliable sources, and/or establish notability, I propose deletion.

Review edit

Improvement edit

Deletion edit

Merged edit

Userspace edit

Internal Project Pages edit