Ibn ßattuta.. As we know, was an Avid Traveler.. Ever thought what could have made him travel so extensively in that era?

It's curiosity to learn something new, explore different cultures, converse in different languages ...Savor different cuisines, understand various religions And what not ???

We all are ibn ßattuta ...We all are born with same curiosity, lots of questions, doubts. We are like blank slate, on which you can write story of your life. As we grow, our questions are marked stupid OR not doing any good for your life and slowly that curiosity dies. The ibn battuta in us goes into hibernation, it cannot die because it's an instinct, a passion that runs in your blood and keeps you alive..

This page is to share the experiences of ibn ßattuta, who travels to places, meet people and captures the life as he sees it.

I personally take it as a wake-up call to ibn ßattuta sleeping with in us..let's learn something new, try a new hobby, travel to places, share the experiences ...Let's Rise and Shine ...

photography and poetry is one of the ways that I express myself ...I moreover click or write for myself ...so that I can identify the hidden qualities of my inner character ...to better understand the reality ...and, that's how I interpret the world around me ...