User:Humoyun Mehridinov/Tashkent botanical garden

{{Maʼnolari|Botanika bogʻi (maʼnolari)}}Botanical Garden, Botanical Institute of the FA of Uzbekistan and the Botanical Garden is a scientific institution in Tashkent. In it, the world of plants growing in natural conditions is comprehensively studied, and research work is carried out on problems related to protection, restoration, their rational use, plant introduction and biotechnology. The Institute of Botany was formed in 1932 on the basis of the Department of Plant Raw Materials under the Committee of Sciences of Uzbekistan, and in 1941 it was called the Institute of Botany and Soil Science. In 1948, when the Department of Soil Science became an independent institute, work related to botany was carried out at the Scientific Research Institute of Botany and Zoology. Research works are carried out on the problems of re-exploitation, establishment of fodder base for livestock, biological treatment of polluted waters. As a result of fundamental research on the natural flora and plant communities of Central Asia, including Uzbekistan, the 6-volume "Flora of Uzbekistan" (in Russian), which includes 4,274 species, 1,023 genera, and 138 families, and was awarded the Beruni Prize, contains 8,097 species belonging to 125 families and 10-volume "Central Asian Plants Identifier", 10-volume "Uzbekistan Fungal Flora", "Central Asian Water Pond Algae Flora", 3-volume "Central Asian Blue-Green Algae Identifier", 2-volume "Zarafshan Flora and Plants", More than 120 monographs and collections, such as "Plants of Central Asia and South Kazakhstan" in 2 volumes, "Plant cover of Uzbekistan and its rational use" in 4 volumes, "Paleobotany of Uzbekistan" in 3 volumes, "Red Book of Uzbekistan", "Ecological anatomy of desert plants" done. The scientific research works conducted in Int. are known to the world by their schools. The work of scientists such as P. Korovin, A. M. Muzaffarov, Q. Z. Zokirov, J. K. Saidov is directly related to. Int conducts scientific research in cooperation with Germany, England, India, Finland, Israel, China, Vietnam, Turkey and CIS countries. International symposia dedicated to various fields of botany are held in Int, including 1998. in May "GarbyyJan. The 5th international conference of botanists was held under the name "Life of plants of Asia and Central Asia". More than 90 scientific workers, including 1 academician, 14 doctors of science, and about 50 candidates of science, work at Int (2001).

Studying the reasons for the decrease in plant cover and the processes of the expansion of deserts in Int, creating ecological maps, adapting plants to different environments and preventing their decrease due to human influence, protecting nature, preserving its raw materials and increasing the productivity of grasslands, island problems, as well as valuable algae. , fungi, scientific research is carried out on extracting physiologically active substances from higher plants, preserving endangered and rare plants. Botanical garden. It was established on the basis of the botanical garden of the Tashkent State University, formalization and construction began in 1950. 1968 From January 1, the garden was granted the status of a scientific research institute. The Botanical Garden is a scientific center for studying and developing the issue of plant introduction (cultivation of new plants that have not been cultivated before, and their use in the national economy) on a national scale. The area of the garden is 64 hectares, and the types and varieties of introduced plants are 1997 library 564y. at the beginning it reached 6 thousand. Of these, 2,500 species are trees and shrubs, and the rest are annual, biennial and perennial herbs. These plants are from Asian and European countries, the Caucasus, the Far East, the West. Imported from America, China and Mediterranean countries. More than 800 species of plants from tropical countries are grown in greenhouses. Introduced plants include ornamental and fruit trees, various berry-bearing shrubs, and medicinal plants. Saplings planted for landscaping include tulip tree, lenkoran acacia, pyramidal oak, pink-flowered acacia, large-leaved linden, Chinese poplar; tulip, crocus, hyacinth from ornamental perennial bulbous plants; from rhizome plants, saffron, sallaguls, more than 90 hybrid hibiscus - cotton plants were grown. The garden distributes about 15,000 seed samples every year and, in turn, receives seeds from other botanical gardens. It communicates with 477 parks and more than 200 different scientific organizations in foreign countries. The Botanical Garden publishes a thematic collection and an index brochure (brochure) with the names of the seeds. Students, schoolchildren, naturalists, etc. knowledge lip for. serves as The botanical garden of Uzbekistan is also mentioned in the book "The largest botanical gardens in the world" published in England. Acad. Under the leadership of F. N. Rusanov, the garden staff published 14 volumes of "Dendrology of Uzbekistan" (Russian), 27 collections entitled "Introduction of Plants" and many monographs and articles. Oktam Pratov, Ozodbek Ashurmetov.

Photo gallery

Fir foliage, Tashkent Botanical Gardens


  • OʻzME. Birinchi jild. Toshkent, 2000-yi