Hi, my name is Herman Lankreijer, my nationality is dutch and live at the moment near Munich in Germany. My profession is software developer by a large printing company. In my free time I am very active with photography, mainly making photos of falconry, hawking and wildlife in nature. Lived in England and USA also for some time.

I maintain my own website (http://www.hermans-homepage.eu) with a lot of photos, which is not quite up to date because of my lack of time. Still I am working to have it represent my current capabilites.

I used the wikipedia quite often to try to determine the species of the taken photos. This helped my out a lot of times, still I am sometimes missing some way of none expert determination tool. I would love to discuss about this issue.

I would like to support the wikipedia werever my time allows with knowledge as well as photos when I can. Since I haven't done much wikipedia page editing I still have to get some practice here.

