Humble Dino.

You didn't think Dinosaurs could be humble? Well I hate to break it to you,but you are certainly wrong.

I am from Pakistan, and well to some 200 km South to my ancestor's village is where Alexander the Great got shot from an arrow, and ultimately died.

I have done CIE O'levels (to be honest, they are just a money-sucking high school education that Cambridge University provides to countries which have a bad local education system. It is expensive as hell, but I had to do it for a quality education.)

I'm a student. Programmer. Freelance Writer. Avid book-reader. Redditor. Procrastinator. Astronomer. Blogger. Introvert.

I want to make this world a better place. And hope that by increasing my knowledge and by helping others do so, will certainly make it one. I might not be able to make a vivid or clear impact on the Wikipedia community, but well it'll be an amazing experience won't it?

Milestone: I made my first Wikipedia account, one that is non-synchronous with my real life alias, on 8th April 2016.

TLDR; I'm a curious guy.