User:HugginsLogan/Woodlouse spider

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The Woodlouse Spider’s powerful jaws are made to impale the thick armor of woodlice and are strong enough to give humans a painful bite. Although the Woodlouse Spider is a dangerous predator to woodlice, it is not known to be a health hazard to humans or smaller animals.[1] Rather than spinning their webs at night, they use this time to search warm places for prey. [2] During the day, these spiders spend their time in special hiding places covered in silk.[3] These hiding places serve as a nest for the female's sac which can carry up to 70 eggs. [1]

Dysdera crocata
  1. ^ a b Howell, W (2004). "Spiders of the Eastern United States". Pearson Education. 1: 363.
  2. ^ Kaston, B. J. (1972). "How to Know the Spiders". Wm. C. Brown Company. 3: 272.
  3. ^ Baerg, W. "The Black Widow and Five Other Venemous Spiders in the United States". Ark. Agr. Exit. Sta. Bul. 608: 43.