Origins of the Bouglione family

The legend invented by the Circassienne family herself in the XIX century tells that Scipion Bouglione, the ancestor of the dynasty, son of a cloth merchant in Turin at the beginning of the XIX century who has made a fortune in the silk sector, would have followed Sonia, a young and pretty gypsie wild animal tamer and would have settled in France, where they would have presented faigroung menageries and their name franchised into Bouglione.

Thanks to a stroke of genius made byhis son Alexander that the name of Bouglione is about to take its place. In 1926, Alexander gets back from a train an old stock of poster from the european tour of the Wild West Show that Buffalo Bill had made in 1904. He decided to use these posters and create the "state circus Buffalo Bill ", a show inspired by the famous cow-boy. Their circus tent from now on is located Porte de Champerret.