Debian Linux Base Install 安装Debian

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Reason for Update: Updated for current ISO Links

This module focuses on installing a base Debian Linux system. No matter what you are trying to accomplish, this should pretty much stay the same. We aren't doing anything fancy here, just getting a base system setup ready to go with whatever we throw at it.

I always end up using the latest Testing Build of their Install CD. This isn't to say that it may have some problems. And also, it would be impossible for me at least to test this EVERY single day. So with the later Install CD's the prompts might change around a little but overall the information is the same. Just pay attention to the prompt and what it is asking for and I am sure you can make your way through it.

STEP 1 Downloading the Debian Testing Network Install CD.

You will want to download the NETWORK INSTALL CD for DEBIAN . LENNY stands for the TESTING version of DEBIAN. That is the recommended version to start with. Keep in mind as mentioned above, that this is a Daily Build of the Testing version of Debian. It is what I recommend you install with to make sure you have the latest packages available etc, but unfortunately there can be bugs with the CD at times. Someone recommended I point you to a link to reference any possible bugs there might be. You can either check the following site before you download this CD and see if you might have problems, or go ahead and try it and if you do encounter issues, check the site and see if it addresses the problem. There is a link on the site to take you to the last working version of the CD, it just might not be as up to date. I would only use it as a last resort. Here is the link:

Download the CURRENT LENNY ISO image from DEBIAN.

i386 Version

AMD64 Version

Burn the ISO with your favorite CD Burning software.

Now boot to your new CD and at the BOOT Prompt hit ENTER.

STEP 2 Language Selection

Now it is prompting you to select your Language. I speak ENGLISH so I accept the defaults. Adjust accordingly.

Press ENTER to accept ENGLISH for default.

Step 3 Country Selection

Next it will prompt you for your COUNTRY. I live in the United States, so again I am able to accept the defaults. Adjust yours accordingly.

Press ENTER to accept UNITED STATES for default.

STEP 4 Keymap Selection

Next it asks you for your KEYMAP. This again relates to the previous questions. I accept AMERICAN ENGLISH for my default keymap since that is the type of keyboard I have. If you use something different, again adjust accordingly.

Press ENTER to accept AMERICAN ENGLISH for default.

STEP 5 Hardware Detection

The next steps it goes through detecting your hardware. It will detect what you have ideally in your system and also setup your network card.

If you have multiple network cards or something like Firewire, it will probably prompt you for which NIC you want to use. Just choose which one you are using, most likely eth0 and continue on.

If you have a DHCP server hopefully it will detect your IP, if it doesn't just follow the prompts for manually setting up your IP. I won't really touch base on this due to most will be running some sort of DHCP. I do prefer to run static after the installation. But during the setup I always just let the DHCP server assign an IP. We will touch base on changing your IP later in this HOWTO.

STEP 6 Hostname

The next prompt will be asking you what you want to call this system. I like keeping my names according to what the purpose of the system. So my VDR system is called HoochVDR. Set yours accordingly.

Type: <ComputerName> and press ENTER.


Next prompt will be asking what your DOMAIN or WORKGROUP is on your network. Set this accordingly to what you have the rest of the PC's on your network set to. HOPEFULLY you set your other PC's up as something. If not I am sure they are defaulted to WORKGROUP which by all means if that is what you want!

Type: <Domain> and press ENTER.

STEP 8 Setting up Hard Drive

Next it detects what hard drives you have in your system and takes you to setting up your partitions. We aren't going to go in depth on this. If you know enough about what you are doing then setup accordingly. For this HOWTO we are assuming this is the ONLY hard drive in your system and we will utilize all of it for LINUX. So select the option of ERASE ENTIRE DISK.

Move down to ERASE ENTIRE DISK and press ENTER.

Again for the ease of this HOWTO we are sticking to the basics. I do things a little different, but for now till you learn, I would stick with the following. The only thing I do differently is I make about a 20-30GB / EXT3 Partition, and then the rest, aside from SWAP, I make as an XFS Partition. XFS Seems to do quite well with large files, which both VDR and Myth do. But for now you can try this, once you get more comfortable, you can come back and rebuild your system a different way. So for the next prompt we are going to put all file in one partition.

Hit ENTER to accept the defaults of ALL FILES IN ONE PARTITION.

Next screen verifies the choices you just made on your partitioning. We want to write the changes and continue on.


The next screen verifies this is what you want to do.

Move over to YES and hit ENTER to continue.

It will now format the parittions.

STEP 9 TimeZone Setup

Next is where it asks you for your TimeZone. So set this accordingly to where you are.

Select your <TimeZone> and hit ENTER.

STEP 10 Superuser Password

Next it will prompt you for your ROOT password. Later in this howto I am going to show you a safer way of staying our of being the ROOT user but during the install and for initial setups you still need the password. So set this to something only you know and make it unique. This is the full superuser for this system, this user can do anything to the system.

Enter <password> and press ENTER.

It will ask you to verify your ROOT password once again.

Enter <password> again and press ENTER.

STEP 11 Local User Setup

Next prompt is asking for the Full name of your Local User. This SHOULD be the user you are always logging in as. So enter what you wish here.

Type <Full> for your user and press ENTER. This could be YOUR NAME John Doe! Or whatever you wish.

Next prompt will be the actual USERNAME for your local user. Enter what you want to go by on your pc.

Enter <Username> and press ENTER.

Next you will assign a password for this new local user. I highly recommend using a DIFFERENT password than your ROOT user. Security reasons!

Enter <Password> and press ENTER.

Next it will make you verify that password as you did before.

Enter <Password> again and press ENTER.

It will now start installing the Debian Base system.

STEP 12 Mirror Selection

The next step will ask you if you wish to use a Network Mirror. I would HIGHLY recommend selecting YES which is the default on this option. This will download the latest packages off the internet.

Next it will ask what your mirror country is. I am in the US so I choose United States.

Next it askes for the mirror of choice. The default I am sure will work fine, unless you know of a particular mirror that is closer to your location. Choose accordingly. I personally choose the FTP.US.DEBIAN.ORG one.

It will then prompt you whether or not you are using a Proxy. If so, then enter the appropriate info as they show you, otherwise just hit ENTER.

Now it will scan the mirror for the latest packages.

STEP 13 Package Selection

The system will now give you the option of choosing any extra functions you would like for your system.

For the purpose of this HOWTO we are going to install just a CONSOLE based OS. No GUI or anything. If you wish to deter from this by all means do so. You can always install anything else later. This is the speediest process and also doesn't install a lot of junk on the system you don't need.

Uncheck the Desktop Environment if it is already checked by default. And leave it on STANDARD SYSTEM based installation and hit ENTER.

Now it will grab what packages it needs to make the system run from your selections. Even if you just hit ENTER above it will still be downloading some files for your SHELL etc. It has to have certain packages no matter what to function properly.

Once it is done, if it asks about your Mail delivery method, I recommend selecting Local Delivery, not on a Network, unless you know what you are doing and have your own Mail Server.

STEP 14 Grub Installation

Once done with everything above, it will ask you what you want to do about a Boot Loader.

It will prompt you if you wish to use GRUB Boot loader and install it to the MASTER BOOT RECORD. This is recommended.

So hit ENTER to accept the defaults of YES.

That is it, we now have the BASE OS installed. It should eject your CD and prompt you to hit ENTER to CONTINUE and the system will reboot to your new OS.

STEP 15 Completion

That is it. You should be done now with the installation of the Base System. Congratulations!