
I used to edit here extensively, but when bureaucratic nonsense replaced compassion and common sense, I lost hope. I've since contributed under both registered accounts and scattered IP addresses, though not as much as I once did. Some of those entities were prolific; some were not.

It's very hard to feel welcome anymore. The warmth that once burned brightly and kept the community ablaze has been replaced by a sense of malaise, and vicious, cold calculations. There are still truly good, legitimate editors, but they're given no more respect than the vandals and trolls, or those smarmy bastards who use absolute, precise (and often ludicrous) interpretations of silly rules and guidelines as grounds to berate the defenseless, or those who would dare to question them and their methods. [citation needed]

I digress. I have no more hope for this project than I did when I left so long ago, but I still want to believe in it. As such, I've elected to leave this particular account open and non-retired, for instances where I feel I must do something; anything. This is where I will finally be, and accept the things I cannot change. Don't expect much. But maybe some good will come of it.

I resign myself to you, Wikipedia.