
Flood tend to occur each and every year at the namibian north, as we all know flood is a natural thing that cannot be prevented or avoided but we can control it and be aware of it.

Flood has been occurring years after years at the north causing the same damage and harm to the environment and people, the people who leave at such affected location argued that they fill unrecognized by the namibian government because they expected them at least to do something about it. As flood occur it destroy people vegetable, wash away houses it even make life disgusting for those people who go to school and work as their way is blocked by flood water.

This are some of the consequence that those people are facing each year, the namibian government respond to them by taking them to some tend temporally were most of the people complain that they had most of their good stolen by others, they also argue that the place is not safe enough and that their kids doing higher grade wont study in such overcrowded and noisy place. Some of them asked to go back to their houses instead of them loosing their expensive furniture. Some nation starts some meetings to argue about this issue.

In my own opinion, this drummer has been happening each and every year so far, the namibian government and the people notice very well the places that are to be affected most especially in Oshakati town, so what they must try to spend money on building the gully for the water to flow in and deep at the place where water is needed, they can even build dams to dump in water and recycle as we even knew that Africa is a dry country, so we need to conserve water. They can even allocate the people at those spot to the better place were its less affected by the flood.

Hmametjie (talk) 09:48, 13 October 2010 (UTC)