User:Hiyya54/WIP/True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order

The True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order (TIRO) by Paul Foster Case, first published in limited edition in 1927 and again in 1928 and 1933, explains the origin of the Rosicrucians and their central doctrines. TIRO was revised extensively in 1953 just before his death and widely published by the Builders of the Adytum in 1985. It is usually described as one of Case's three major masterpieces (the other two being The Kybalion and The Tarot:A Key to the Wisdom of the Ages).

ISBN 0-87728-709-0



In TIRO, Case presents the Rosicrucian system of Initiation. One principal thesis is that an individual's qualifications as a Rosicrucian is based not upon membership in an earthly organizations, but on her own personal unfoldment. Case clearly describes what he views are the distinctive marks of a Rosicrucian.



TIRO is composed of two main parts. The first is a detailed examination and interpretation of the principal Rosicrucian manifestoes, the Fama Fraternitatis and the Confessio Fraternitatis. For those unfamiliar with these manuscripts, Case included a copy of Thomas Vaughan English translation.

The second part explains the Rosicrucian system of Degrees/Grades of initiation. These correspond to the Qabalistic diagram of the Tree of Life with its corresponding Tarot attributions.

Case's apparent intent was for the reader (and would-be aspirants) to start on the right track, preparing themselves for union with the Higher Self; whether or not this includes group work or affiliation with an outer order or fraternity.

Main themes

  • Personal Allegorical nature of the Fama and Confessio
  • Qualifications as a Rosicrucian are internal rather than not external
  • Gematria as a tool for decoding Rosicrucian documents
  • Tarot as an analytical tool for self-realization

Criticism and Acclaim

  • Among Rosicrucian groups, TIRO is either loved or despised.
    • Esoteric groups which claim, direct, literal, actual lineal descent from the original Rosicrucians, naturally take issue with Case's principal thesis.
    • Esoteric groups which claim a spiritual fellowship with, but not necessarily direct lineal descent from, the original Rosicrucians, naturally find Case's thesis to be quite congenial.

Some examples:

"The True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order . . . develops a profound analysis of both the pre- and post-Masonic Rosicrucians and sheds some wonderful light on Freemasonry to boot! [Case] defines Rosicrucianism very simply as Christian Hermeticism allied with Kabbalah. His elucidation from this simple clear viewpoint is one of the clearest and most helpful yet produced for those actually on the path."
--Gnosis Magazine
"Case was considered an authority on Western mysticism. His 'Rosicrucian order' is not an organization but the medieval tradition itself. His explanation of the classical Rosicrucian grades vividly lays out ascending principles--truths expressed differently, according to individual readiness."
--Brain/Mind Bulletin
  • Naturally, Esoteric groups with little or no interest in the original Rosicrucians or their documents, have correspondingly little interest in Case's work.


  • Currently available only in English

See also


Online text


Other resources


Online information on Case and his work (including TIRO)

Online fora discussing Case and his work