

Is unemployment rate in Namibia true? Unemployment refers to the share of the labor force that is without work but available for and seeking for employment. The employment rate differs from country to country .The current employment rate of Namibia was estimated to be 51.2% ,according to one economists he said this figure is not true because it based on poor unreliable data collection ,and he claims that less than 30% of people in the country are jobless(All global media -17 November 2011).In September last year the government confirmed that the unemployment rate has increased up to 51.2% which was also acknowledged by the President, said Toivo(the Namibian 22 November 2011). Martin Mwinga stated in his articles about the real unemployment rate at 28%and not the 51.2% he said the figure was wrong because they have underestimate the size of those employed in the subsistence farming. He also said they under look the real factors that make up [the underemployed.Labour expert have come short challenges the 28% unemployment rate claims by Mwinga. The official figures are from 2008-20011.”As far as we concerned his statistics are not reliable and his methodology is also questionable” said Shindondola Mote.


  • Toivo N (22 November 2011) Mwinga speaks out of his findings. New era publication page 2.
  • Desie H (21 November 2011) Unemployment date ruffles feathers. All Africa news and new era publication. Page 1
  • Jo-mare D (04 February 2010) half of all Namibians are unemployed. The Namibian. Page 1.
  • Jan P (15 November 2011) Unemployment rate .The sun newspaper. Page 2
  • Nico S (11 November 2011) three out of four youths are unemployed. The Namibian. Page 2.