Character history


Rebecca King grew up in a chaotic Gotham City . Rebecca King grew up in a chaotic Gotham when Batman is officially labeled a criminal himself. After many rampages and actually killings of some of Batman’s own rouge’s gallery, the Gotham Police Department doesn’t trust him. King is the only person in Gotham who still looks up to him. She grew up in the foster care system and has one friend Willy Kane. She is a detective in her own right, and a bright and intelligent girl. She finds out by accident that the real reason for Batman’s demented nature is the fact that Tim Drake]]’s Robin is killed. She then makes the connection with Bruce Wayne. After a full on fight with Batman, when she is discovered in the Batcave, Batman puts her in a short coma. When she awakens Batman tries to make up for the harsh encounter and King blackmails him so that he will allow her to hold the mantle of Robin. She decides to go with a darker costume to reflect the dark times and has numerous of deadly weapons, usually beating her villains bloody. Her cold style reflects her cold teacher who trains her in offense rather than defense unlike the previous Robin’s.

Bruce Wayne


Apparently, as the story continues, Bruce tells King what exactly happens to Drake. The Joker, Poison Ivy, and Two-face team together to finally uncover the secret of Batman’s identity. In order to do this, Poison Ivy makes a plant creature to distract Batman. Olivia Meadows is the creature’s name. She pretends to be a superhero named Batwoman and with intense pheromones, attracts Batman. He develops a relationship with the fake-crusader and even considers stopping being Batman. In the meantime Tim Drake has found love with a girl named Stephanie Vale. Two- face hatches a plan and kidnaps Vale while Joker captures Robin as well. Meanwhile Batman capturesMr. Freeze on his usual rampage when Freeze decides to tell Batman what he overheard. Freeze tells Batman that Batwoman is a fake and that the other villains are planning to do something terrible with Robin in order to uncover his identity. Batman finds Batwoman and forces a confession out of her and after, destroys her. Robin in the meantime escapes from Joker and finds Stephanie but in an attempt to save her, is brutally shot to death. Batman arrives too late and he kills Ivy by strangling her with her own plants. Two-face disappears, but Joker escapes but not before Batman cripples him like he did Barbra.Batman then falls into deep depression, taking out his anger on any two-timing low-life he can find. He is a vigilante. And he doesn’t care. With Rebecca’s help he learns to trust and feel again and by the end of the series, returns to the original Batman.



After two years of being The Robin, King begins to decrease on her intensity. She explains to Batman it is because she is happy and at peace with herself. This changes however when she realizes that Bruce never officially adopted her, only naming himself as her guardian. She goes ballistic, wanting desperately to have a family and almost kills Bane. Batman decides that maybe she needs a break to which she tells him that she has re-entered herself into the adoption agency and has already been picked. She claims she wants a normal life when all she wants to do is hurt Bruce. She gives up being The Robin and encourages Bruce to allow people back in his life and that she will never lose touch. Batman learns to respect her on a whole new level and gives her little resistance. But when she tells him that her new adoptive father is some man named Lex Luthor, Bruce doubts her future safety. Is this the end of The Robin or a beginning of a more frightening chapter?

Robin 5


As the 5th Robin, King’s reign was swift and brutal. But She perhaps gained the most respect from Batman.

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