Notes regarding suggested edits appearing in brackets [ ] in this twin article: The purpose of this page is to provide a space for all edits to appear without invoking editors of the actual page to "undo" these changes, mainly due to their volume. The suggestions will appear over time as time permits their addition; as such, this is currently work-in-progress. Some specific edit recommendations fall under the broader request category "Citation needed" and, may simply be notated as "(CN)." It is worth noting that too many statements in the actual article make vague references to sources, going to obviously great lengths to avoid commitment with actual documentation and, while Wikipedia discounts primary sources as support (unfortunately), in the absence of any other documentation, primary sources should still be cited, as long as they are notated as such. (That said, the "feel" of the article seems to conjure up the image of one "John C.," noted local "Cape Henry" area historian, as one of the article's primary editors.)

Henry Town, Henry Towne, or Henries Towne was an early English colonial settlement in Virginia, now in Virginia Beach, Virginia, in the United States. [[[Norfolk, Virginia]], (Remove.)] [[[archaeology|archaeologist]] (Either remove link or modify so a capital "A" may be used).] Floyd Painter of the Norfolk Museum of Arts and Sciences (now the Chrysler Museum of Art) [Is it really necessary that "Norfolk Museum of Arts and Sciences" be mentioned? (Remove and use current museum name.)] originally excavated the site in 1955 but it was only conclusively determined to be Henry Town in 2007 although no primary source documents exist (save those supposedly held by [one now-deceased archaeologist (CN)]) by United States Army scientists reviewing the site's artifacts. It was located at approximately 36°54′30″N 76°7′20″W / 36.90833°N 76.12222°W / 36.90833; -76.12222, ["Approximately" contradicts posted GPS coordinates, which pinpoint a location (remove one or the other.)] immediately north of U.S. Route 60 (Shore Drive) on what is now Lake Joyce, formerly an inlet connecting with Pleasure House Creek, a western branch of the Lynnhaven River, itself an estuary of the Chesapeake Bay.

The general location of Henry Town

Historical and archaeological record


Henry Town was first described by name in a 1613 letter by the Colony of Virginia's lieutenant governor, Samuel Argall, who wrote of sending a fishing ship "to Henries Towne for the reliefe of such men as were there."[1] Other extant documents mention several forts at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay as early as 1610, possibly including Henry Town. These records indicate that settlement at Henry Town was contemporary with that at Virginia's first permanent settlement at Jamestown which was founded in 1607. Captain John Smith of Jamestown wrote of returning to Cape Henry in 1608 but did not mention why or exactly where.

Despite this documentary evidence, most of the archaeological finds at the Henry Town site date from the middle rather than the early 17th century. Although an archaeologist from the United States National Park Service who oversaw excavations on Jamestown Island and other archaeologists from the Smithsonian Institution and the College of William and Mary have earlier dated the finds as early as 1610, others such as the head of the James River Institute for Archaeology and part of the team that discovered Jamestown, the curator of the Jamestown Rediscovery collection, and other regional experts dispute such an early date. A limited 2005 excavation at the site dated nothing earlier than the second quarter of the 17th century. The site's artifacts contain Dutch and Portuguese pottery fragments that point to later settlement and tobacco pipe pieces that are nearly the same as some from the Province of Maryland that have been reliably dated to about 1650. Some discoveries suggest that the site is connected to Adam Thoroughgood's nearby tobacco plantation, which dates to about 1635.

Contemporary discovery and development


Before its identification as Henry Town the site had been called the Lake Joyce site or the Chesopean site. Its discovery in 1955 attracted attention but it was not until a reexamination of the evidence in light of the Samuel Argall letter that the site was identified by an archaeological team based in the Fort Eustis army base in Newport News.

The relevance of the settlement to the early history of the English colony in Virginia has given impetus for the recreation of the site. At nearby Cape Henry, east of the Lynnhaven River, the First Landing Foundation will undertake a $700,000 project to build more than a dozen structures as well as an outdoor stage to conduct historical dramas.





See also


Category:Populated places in colonial Virginia Category:Populated places established in the 1600s Category:Lost cities and towns Category:Archaeological sites in Virginia Category:Geography of Virginia Beach, Virginia Category:History of Virginia Beach, Virginia Category:1600s establishments in the Thirteen Colonies