My favorite number is 6.

My favorite color is green.

My favorite home animal is the cat.

My favorite food is ramen noodles.

My favorite city is Dubai.

External Image template:


|align = {{{1}}}

|width = {{{2}}}

|image1 = [ {{{3}}} {{{4}}} ] <ref> {{{5}}} </ref>

|image2 = ...



{{{1}}} = left / right / center

{{{2}}} = number(standard=300) px

{{{3}}} = URL of the image (direct link to the image, not the page if possible)

{{{4}}} = description of the image

{{{5}}} = link to the page where the image is from + date when this link was created


External images
  Aurora image 1 High up in the sky.[1]
  Aurora image 2 Preparing for a landing.[2]

