I stumbled across the Wikipedia March 2004, and have been "trying" to contribute.

I am a half british half turkish 23 year old who works for Bechtel.

I did my masters in bioinformatics at the University of York.

Projects included: Building a database of the GTPase superfamily. Creating a web BLAST portal with a Grid back end. Mathematically modeled a neuronal calcium signal transduction pathway.

I completed my degree in Computational Biology at University of Warwick.

I have recently driven across Europe, to Athens, stoping off at Florence, Lyons and Geneva. Florence was beautiful :).

I hope my contributions will be useful to all, and as I know more I will aim to share that knowledge!

Join the small online community of wikipedia supporters on Freenode irc server.

irc.freenode.net #wikipedia

I use MSN and skype

MSN: okall@hotmail.com, SKype: okallenborn

If you want to chat feel free to add me :p


Oli/ Kerem