MONICA CLARE Born 1924, Dareel, Queensland, Australia. Died 1973.

Daughter of Daniel Hebert McGowan an aborigne and respected as an expert shearer along upper Darling. And Beatrice Scott,a blond haired, blue eyed, high-spirited woman. After Beatrice died during childbirth, giving birth to a son called Dan (1926), a welfare inspector removed the children from their father, claiming that they were 'neglected'.

They were fostered by brother and sister Bill and Stella Woodbury, at their farm and orchard on the Hawkesbury River. The children were greatly loved and cared for, attending a private bush school and Catholic Church. In 1935 Dan and Maria were parted by officials, with Monica being sent to Redmyre Road Home and Dan to a training farm. Tragically they never saw eachother again.

In August 1942,no longer a ward, Monica began obtaining factory jobs,working for a cigarette factory. She also studied short-hand and typing at a night-school.Whilst visting the Woodburys home,who had retired in Nambucca Heads, Monica met the Aboriginal communities at Bell Ward Reserve. She grew interested in race relations and Labour politics. During her campaign for Daniel Curtin she began erolling many aboriginal families in for voting. In 1953 her first marriage ended in dovorce.

In August 1962 Monica married Leslie Clare,a union official in the builing trades. Monica joined the womans communites of the union and became a relieving clerk for the branch at Walongong.

Having direct knowledge of the segregated reserves. Monica became secretary of the aboriginal committee of the South Coast Labour Council.Her pratical activity was obtained through her vast understanding of the human behaviour.Her constant correspondance with all parties involved lead to practical results;the Askin government replaced housing for Aborigines with homes of Housing Commision Standard and also established low interst loans for buying furniture.

Her novel Karobram (meaning: together) based upon her early childhood and adholesence as a state ward,expressed her will to gain a good education and also her constant search for identity and family.
